Know what you have and what you want. Save on insurance. You have model trains for the fun of it, but it’s also a significant chunk of cash. By simply clicking “Add to Collection” in DASH, you can keep track of your collection. Understand the value of individual items and your entire collection. Plus, by keeping track of your Wanted List too, you are less likely to buy something you don’t need. Or, you can do quick research to be sure you don’t pass up on a great deal. Finally, by managing your collection on DASH, you keep an itemized inventory that is tied to a living values guide, so you can often qualify for less expensive collection insurance. (See more about managing the value of your entire collection as part of DASH Collector's Club.) |
It is fun. With your Collection and Wanted List recorded, it is easier to share with your fellow collectors. Bring up your collection on any web browser, or sync to your mobile phone. Click on the Facebook and other links to share with your friends. Even print out your Wanted List. Take to shows or club events. Plus, be sure your spouse has a copy, especially around your birthday or Christmas! |
Life gets easier. DASH helps you see other items that are compatible with your train setup. It helps you know when items are for sale. When a new item is listed for sale that you want, you get a convenient notification to go check out that listing. When you buy an item from the DASH Marketplace, it is automatically moved into your collection, along with its pictures, cost and date of acquisition. DASH even helps you see what items are highly rated by your peers, and which ones are wanted and collected by others. Collecting is fun, but managing your collection doesn’t have to be a drag. |
Register. It’s free and take about a minute or two. We have to know who “you” are to make it “your collection” after all! |
Find your items. Click on the Catalog tab. Either browse by Gauge/Scale/Type or search to find the items you own. Click the “Add to My Collection” link in the “I’ve Got It” column. Enjoy the slight adrenaline rush, knowing that’s all there is to it. |
Add details and photos. Click on the My Collection tab. By clicking on the name of each item, you can specify if yours is boxed or unboxed. You can assign it a grade, jot down its condition and other collector-specific info. Upload photos of your own items if you want. If you ever want to sell an item, you can add a price and click the List for Sale button too. You can find more info about that in the FAQ. |
Hmmm. Reread the section on how to manage your collection and replace the “Add to My Collection” button with the “Add to Wanted List” button. |
How that is useful. By default, DASH enables Marketplace Alerts for your Wanted items. If a new item matching this DASH ID is listed for sale, you‘ll get a notification. If an existing listing is reduced in price, you‘ll get an alert too. DASH uses the Wanted List to tailor itself to your interests. By keeping track of your Wanted List, the chance you will get the right items goes up. It also reduces the chance that you will buy an extra item by mistake. |
It's key for "smart" trading too. If you like the idea of trading (as opposed to buying/selling), having an updated Wanted List really helps you find fellow collectors to trade with. Be sure to mark items you would consider trading as “Willing to Trade” in your Collection. That will help potential trading partners find you! |